Women's health

Here are 7 reasons why you shouldn’t shave your pubic hair

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For many people, shaving their pubic hair is nothing new. Some sociological theories suggest that shaving pubic hair has something to do with cultural trends resulting from some actors and actresses being hairless or even a misguided attempt at cleanliness. The most common body areas are the armpits, legs, pubic area, eyebrows, and face in women. Face, abdomen, back, chest, thighs and legs for men. Although some people prefer waxing, shaving is the most commonly used method for the armpits, legs, and pubic area.

Here are 7 reasons why you should not shave your pubic hair:

Pubic hair contains pheromones

Apparently, our pubes contain an interesting mix of pheromones that make us more attractive to others. These pheromones develop further as the body sweats and are also thought to increase sexual stimulation and arousal in potential sexual partners.

. Not having a pubis means you are more susceptible to molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that, although generally harmless, can look unsightly and cause itching.

Hair removal can cause cysts

Hair removal can lead to the appearance of infected abscesses on the skin, caused by bacteria entering the body through hair follicles. These abscesses require treatment with either antibiotics or surgery, which always carries serious risks.

4 times

The time and effort required to maintain a leaf-free environment down there may be enough to dissuade you from this practice. Surprisingly, one study found that the average woman spends two months of her life removing pubic hair – and that’s a lot. Hours that will never return

Pubic hair helps control body temperature

By removing the pubis, you risk compromising your body’s ability to cool itself. There is a sebaceous gland in each hair follicle, which secretes oils into the hair. When this oil evaporates, it refreshes the skin.

Increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases

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These annoying pants and buckles help protect you from various sexually transmitted diseases. Removing them increases the risk of various conditions, including genital warts and herpes.

Friction burn

A hairless woman’s garden leaves you vulnerable to a very painful dose of friction the next time you feel active. Pubic hair acts as a cushion and can prevent friction and skin irritation. Pair any bedroom with a hairless partner, and you’re bound to cause problems, especially if one of you experiences constant “regrowth.”

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