Women's health

9 things a woman should not do during her period!

Written by ADMIN

Whether it’s your first period or you’ve been unable to count it over the years, your period comes with a set of do’s and don’ts! It’s in your best interest to follow through, because not doing so often leads to big problems that you don’t really want in your life – especially “at this time of the month”!

So, even if you have a good idea of what you should do during your period (hot water bottles, drink plenty of water, eat chocolate and fruits), you may not be clear about what you shouldn’t do. no.

If you are wondering what are the basic things you should never do during your period, here is a comprehensive list of things you should never do during your period. You don’t want this kind of trouble!

  1. Do not wear the same pad or tampon for a long time
    Regardless of your choice between a tampon and a pad, you should not wear the same tampon for several hours. Wearing a tampon for a long period can increase the chances of infection as well as rashes and even TSS (or toxic shock syndrome), which can be fatal if the tampon is left in place for several hours (1). So, if you prefer sanitary pads, change them at least once every 6 hours. As for tampons, once every two to three hours is ideal.
  2. Do not use lotion on your lady parts
    In fact, don’t even use it when you’re not on your period! Douching can increase your risk of vaginal infections and even disrupt the natural pH balance of your nether regions, which is contrary to what it claims (2). If you want to clean yourself, lukewarm water is enough. Just be sure to clean so you don’t get your rectum dirty. As for the rash, your wife must be dry and clean to prevent it from occurring.
  3. Do not wax or shave
    When you are on your menstrual cycle, your estrogen levels are affected, which means that if you suffer an injury during this period, you will feel more pain than ever due to increased sensitivity. For this reason, it may be wise not to shave or wax during this period. It’s also wise to reschedule your dentist appointment during your period, especially if you’re having a tooth extracted!
  1. Don’t miss any meals
    At this time of the month, your body needs a lot of energy to deal with cramps and mood swings. Depriving yourself of meals will only lower your energy levels, so make sure you eat.
  2. Do not give in to fast food
    If it’s important to eat during your period, eating well is even more important. Menstruation is uncomfortable and it is common to seek comfort in fast foods or those high in sodium. However, indulging in unhealthy foods will only increase your discomfort by causing water retention (3). This is why it is better to eat healthy food.
  3. Do not eat dairy products
    It is necessary to avoid dairy products during menstruation. Although calcium is good for you right now, it’s best to take it in the form of supplements rather than in the form of dairy products. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. They contain a type of acid called arachidonic acid, which can significantly worsen lower abdominal cramps (4). So avoid dairy products and also avoid pork, beef, turkey and chicken, as they all contain high levels of this acid.
  4. Don’t settle
    Even if all you want to do is curl up in a ball and lie in bed in your pajamas all day, don’t do it. Remaining in a sitting position will focus on your menstrual pain, which may make it worse. In fact, rest is not the way to solve the problem, but exercise is the way! Not only can exercise relieve menstrual cramps, it also helps you feel better overall (5). Exercise is the best exercise!
  5. Don’t make an appointment during your menstrual cycle
    As mentioned earlier, because estrogen levels in your body decrease during menstruation, your sensitivity to pain increases significantly. So it’s best not to schedule any appointments that may cause pain (such as waxing, threading, dentist appointments, etc.) at this time. Save them for a later date.
  6. Do not give in to your mood swings
    Wildly changing mood swings are probably the worst part of your period, and can get worse if you give in to them. Instead of fanning your moody fire, take some time and do something that makes you happy, like reading a book or taking a walk. This can save you from a lot of unpleasant situations!

Consider these nine rules to follow if you want to have a relatively discomfort-free period. Since you have all of these things at your fingertips, it won’t be too difficult to do!

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