
5 signs of liver cancer every woman should know

Written by ADMIN

Liver cancer is a rare cancer, but unfortunately it is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. It is important to inform people about the symptoms associated with the program. In this article, we learn about the symptoms of cancer during pregnancy. What you want to record: (1)

Symptoms of the most dangerous symptoms of cancer
The Cancer Carrier, like other Cancers, goes through a series of streaks, and the first or first streaks are almost silent, which means that most people’s cancer comes from the key chain on the field. Early on there are no symptoms and therefore no symptoms. It begins to appear in the pre-disease stages. Keep reading to save more. Symptoms of cancer include: (1) (2)

1- Lose weight

Excess weight is one of the symptoms of liver cancer, and unexplained weight means diabetes, without following a diet and without taking known medications and nutritional supplements to lose weight.
So, if you have more than 5% of your normal blood count during the six months of the year, it is best to consult a doctor. (3) (4)

2- Jaundice

The new sunglasses are suitable for use in skin care and skin care products, as well as in the sun with a more habitable texture, because the color of the same sale is greater. In addition, the number of people with the greatest number of symptoms: (3) [4]

● Itchy skin.
● Fever.
● Cold and shivering.

It is common to find that the first symptoms of jaundice appear when there is a defect in health function associated with many liver diseases, with the exception of liver cancer.

3- Abdominal bloating

Liver cancer may appear with swelling and swelling in the abdominal area, and is also associated with the following: [3]

● Increased proliferation of cancer cells, which is why the tail is important for skin color, which includes the application of abdominal rejuvenation operations.
● Liver cancer increases pressure on blood vessels, which prevents sound accumulation these days. The liquid is used to cover the tongues in the abdomen, providing some suitable conditions for roosting.

4- The presence of symptoms of cancer during pregnancy

Liver cancer may also be associated with a range of symptoms, including: (4)(2)(5)

● Loss of appetite.
● He feels fat and drains of energy.
● Flu-like symptoms appear.
● Pain in the right side of the abdomen, which may extend to the right shoulder in some cases.
● Indigestion.
● We will send you a quick message and manage it.
● Nausea and noise.
● dilation of abdominal veins.
● Bruising or abnormal conditions.

5- Effects of liver cancer on hormones

Liver cancer affects the normal levels of certain hormones in the body, causing symptoms that appear in organs other than the liver, such as: (5)

● High calcium levels in the blood (hypercalcemia) This causes nausea, confusion, weakness and constipation.
● Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) which leads to fatigue and fainting in some cases.
● breast enlargement or so-called gynecomastia.
● Reducing the size of the testicles in men.
● High red blood cell count (erythrocytosis).
● High cholesterol level.

Diagnosis of liver cancer
After explaining the symptoms of liver cancer and the importance of consulting a doctor when noticing one of them, we will present the following diagnostic methods that a doctor can resort to (6) [7)

● Ask about your medical history and physical examination: The doctor will ask you about your medical history and symptoms and will perform a physical examination to determine if there is swelling or swelling, or any other symptoms.

● Liver function tests: This test helps give the doctor a general picture of liver health and functions, as it provides information on protein, enzyme, and bilirubin levels, as their levels are related to liver functions.

● Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test: Alpha-fetoprotein is normally found in the liver or fetal sac, but its presence in the blood may indicate liver cancer.

● Imaging tests: The doctor may prescribe imaging tests that identify and evaluate the presence of a tumor in the liver, such as ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging.

● Liver biopsy: This test involves removing a small sample of liver tissue using a fine needle, endoscope, or surgery. It helps the doctor determine the stage of liver cancer and how far it has spread.

You can take the above tests at any of the branches of Al Borg Laboratories and choose the liver care program that suits you best. You will also find a large number of other tests, which are conducted by outstanding, accurate, and highly qualified staff.

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